
purplecigar - 2005-07-14 10:27:10
Wow! I'm totally impressed. Using your toes to navigate while nursing your child? You are my hero!
Terri - 2005-07-14 17:29:38
I had a friend who could do windows and nurse. I was SO jealous! Now I'm more jealous of you! I have bowling ball boobs and it takes one hand to hold it up and push some away from baby's nose and the other hand to hold baby. Bah! Sex isn't a sedative for me either. It sure is for men though!
hissandtell - 2005-07-17 00:28:16
As always, your writing cheers me up and cracks me up. Sorry about the interrupted sleep, darling - but I can totally relate to the invitations from J (well, my J, anyway, silly!) to join him in his office. In my case, though, it doesn't matter that sex isn't a sedative - it's still the most fun I can think of either on my own, or with someone else. Much love, R xxx

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