
hissandtell - 2005-03-18 03:15:11
Yippee! Have a ball, darling! Love, R xxx
Yvonne - 2005-03-18 07:25:17
Have a wonderful, relaxing vacation!
bettyalready - 2005-03-18 10:09:05
What they said! Is that a front loading machine? Someone my mom knows had MAJOR problems with a maytag front loading washing machine. Guess there was some sort of recall on those.
purplecigar - 2005-03-18 10:20:06
My husband is right now at the Gaylord Entertainment Center in Nashville for the NCAA tournament. When this time of the year comes he totally zones out. He's completely useless!
Rebekah - 2005-03-27 23:10:23
Hope you're having a good vacation, and Happy Easter!
Sally - 2005-04-15 11:05:45
So WHERE ARE YOU? Did you have such a good time you decided to never come home?
Terri - 2005-05-04 18:50:17
I still miss your diary. Just thought I'd let you know. :)

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