The Crew

The Dark Side of The Crew

101 Fabulous Things

three years? no freakin' way
It's Been A While...Obviously!
amomsmusings receives a major revelation
after a long silence, amomsmusings speaks again
Roll, Tide, Roll!

"A wise woman--an admired mother and wife--when asked how, with her weak physical health and many demands upon her time, she managed to read so much, said, 'Besides my Bible, I always keep books going that are just for me--a stiff book, a moderately easy book, and a novel, and I always take up the one I feel fit for.'"
--Charlotte Mason Companion

The Spirit of the Disciplines
by Dallas Willard

Between Heaven & Hell
by Peter Kreeft

Sophie's World
by Jostein Gaarder


Somebody Stop Me and the Brazeness of Today's Youth!
11:32 a.m.

Okay, I'm waiting for someone to stop the ride and let me off. I think I see the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel, but it's probably just the proverbial train! I like to live my life with margin, but lately that's getting harder and harder for me to do. I pride myself in my ability to organize my life, but nowadays it all seems to be in overdrive and I feel absolutely unable to put the brakes on. Hmmm. I hate it when I get like this.

So, by way of other news, the two oldest daughters got back from church camp and as custom dictates we went out to eat after I picked them up. This is just our time where they share with me their's just a fun way to welcome them back. Well, this year was a great time for them both and there is a ton I could say about the spiritual benefit they received, but that's probably only of interest to me. What may be of interest to you is what happened on the last night of camp. Every year, of course, there is the usual stuff going on, i.e. smoking, cursing, drugs, standard hormonal behavior and all that accompanies it, but this year there was a new feature added...oral sex in the open. Shau said that the spotlight swung around and there was Brit from our church down on her knees servicing the skankiest guy you would never hope to meet. She is *ahem* engaged and she had only met this guy three days before. We all know what can go on at camp, but I confess that I was shocked at the brazeness. Next year I expect every teenage guy in K.C. will be attending.

I hate not being able to get to D'land more faithfully. I miss it, but there is only so much time in the day and Lil is at the age where she demands pretty much all of it. Anyway, I'll get here as often as I can. Now I must go get clothes ironed so I can take Jes to the dentist to have cavities filled. Yay for me!

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