
Yvonne - 2005-05-18 11:31:16
I adore the photos, the arrangement and the descriptions. Perfect.
Sally - 2005-05-18 11:31:26
OK, so like get rid of the pics of Johnny Depp and the professional child models and toss up the real family...
Sally - 2005-05-18 12:39:32
Thought I'd give you a glimpse of Hubby... Oh yeah, took the photo myself...yeah... For the record, I'm not Gwen Stefani, I just get mistaken all the time. (And I did love your pics and descriptions btw!)
Terri - 2005-05-18 14:32:59
I adore your descriptions! Fabulous family. :) Your son totally reminds me of my son. He'll be 5 in August and it sounds like their personalities are very similar. I wonder if that comes from having a few older sisters? LOL
bettyalready - 2005-05-19 13:08:20
HAHA, reading the comments above. I get mistaken for Princess Diana ALL the time. I don't have a calculator. OH wait, my cell phone does.
Sally - 2005-05-23 08:37:53
Posted a pic of you, now I know where you've been for 4 carpet and all...
Yvonne - 2005-05-25 11:13:53
Missing you!

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