
Rebekah - 2005-05-06 02:37:09
That last picture...hilarious...great editing, by the way. It's amazing what a haircut will do... Glad to see you're back! I thought you were gone for good.
wherwhenwhy - 2005-05-06 06:54:48
nice hair, I bet you can feel your head feels like it is going to float away, that's what happened to me, very strange. Type in your username and "thankyou". and thank you. lots of love
Fi - 2005-05-06 11:23:37
YAY, you're back!! and I love the new do....all those waves. I'm jealous.
purplecigar - 2005-05-06 11:39:56
HAH! You are a beauty! I'm sure you really are as well. Anyone with this sense of humor? Yeah.
Jehsika - 2005-05-06 13:02:53
Yea, you've returned! Lovely hair. I chopped mine off too, though I didn't have it styled so nicely. Just attacked it with scissors my own self. Pics in the diary. Missed you!
Sally - 2005-05-06 13:56:04
HA HA HA HA! Man, if a vacation from D-land will do that for me, color me gone for a bit... Glad you're back!
Yvonne - 2005-05-06 14:12:50
Welcome home. What a hoot you are! I love the short, funky hair style.

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