
Rebekah - 2005-02-15 11:11:42
Hope you feel better soon! And four pounds of candy gone....yikes. What's sad is that I've finished off a big bag of M&M's one night while on vacation many years ago. I never did it again, because it made me so sick. The other one I did was a bag of Twizzlers. Those things rock, but not when you eat the whole bag. And now with the whole "lifestyle change" I had about five Hershey's Kisses last night because 1) I didn't have any real kisses from anyone and 2) I love Hershey's Kisses.
Terri - 2005-02-15 13:56:50
Hang in there, girl! Feel better soon!
bettyalready - 2005-02-15 15:50:08
Get better!!!
Suburban Island - 2005-02-18 23:59:14
People in my house are very territorial about their boxes of Valentine's Day candy.

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