
Yvonne - 2005-02-06 13:58:01
What a little saint his sister is! I want one (or two) of those.
Rebekah - 2005-02-06 21:14:44
I'm still on the fence regarding the dog. Today she was on her best was freaking me out. My grandmother has had a Dachshund ever since I was born (one of my first memories is of the day my grandmother got a long-haired Dachshund she named Lumpi and I was all of 1 1/2 or 2 years old, but I still remember seeing him). I love them, but never realized how tiny they were until I got Judah, who is most likely 35 pounds now...and only 4 or so months old. I didn't want a big dog...I got stuck with one. Time will tell what happens with her. But thank you for the encouragement. As for that little girl and her brother... I know I wouldn't have that kind of patience.
Rachel - 2005-02-06 23:09:52
I'm reminded of Calvin and Hobbes. That bike was evil. EVIL. But I think that boy was just a snot.
Terri - 2005-02-07 17:10:58
Rebekah - 2005-02-08 01:31:47
That's kind of spooky that we have the same birthday. In a good way. And I completely forgot to comment on the "My arm's scared" conversation. Hilarious! Isn't it amazing what can come out of a little kid's mouth? I've heard some doozies in my time. (And I'm sure I've said a few myself)

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