The Crew

The Dark Side of The Crew

101 Fabulous Things

three years? no freakin' way
It's Been A While...Obviously!
amomsmusings receives a major revelation
after a long silence, amomsmusings speaks again
Roll, Tide, Roll!

"A wise woman--an admired mother and wife--when asked how, with her weak physical health and many demands upon her time, she managed to read so much, said, 'Besides my Bible, I always keep books going that are just for me--a stiff book, a moderately easy book, and a novel, and I always take up the one I feel fit for.'"
--Charlotte Mason Companion

The Spirit of the Disciplines
by Dallas Willard

Between Heaven & Hell
by Peter Kreeft

Sophie's World
by Jostein Gaarder


Help! I Need Somebody...Anybody! Plus a Camp Ramble as a Bonus!
8:00 a.m.

This is just great. I am having multiple problems with Diaryland and I've just tried sending a note for help and it won't go through. Error...0 of 1 tasks completed successfully! What the....

So, if anyone out there can answer these questions I'd be much obliged, since I don't think my Gold Membership is going to get me anywhere.

1. How do I stop the spam?

2. After adding pics to my cast page my text partially disappeared. The code is all correct, so what's the problem?

3. I've been trying to get into jehsika's locked diary (yes, I have the password) and every time I get to her site it starts loading up before I can enter username and password. What's up with that? I'd really like to read her diary again.

I guess I could stop trying to send my questions to help and try sending them to Andrew, but from what I hear that's about the same as sending them all into oblivion anyhow.

Everyone is still sleeping this morning. Yes! Today is my last day of having my husband and nearly half of my children gone; they all come back this evening. John has been out on business and is picking Ev, Han and Moll up from camp on his way home. Ev worked jr. camp and the other two attended. I particularly hope Han had a good time. The last time she went was 4 years ago and she cried the entire time. My mom had just passed away two weeks earlier and it triggered a huge bout of separation anxiety for her. The idiots there wouldn't let her call to come home so it was a really bad experience. Luckily it was only a three day camp. She had really wanted to go, so against my better judgement I let her. I hadn't let her older sisters go to camp until they were older because I knew that people working children's camps are often more concerned about appearing to be some kind of great spiritual leader to the other adults than in doing what's best for the kids. Things like putting pressure on them to have some sort of "spiritual experience" that they can tally up, or in being such a great group leader that none of their kids want to go home. Anyway, my expectations weren't disappointed and none of my kids have ever gone again until they were old enough to go to jr. camp. This is Moll's first year and she's 11. (She also has two sisters there to watch out for her!) The couple directing the camp are good friends and their camps are great, so I honestly expect that everyone, even Han, had a wonderful time.

Well, Lil is awake and since I have yet to master the ancient art of one-handed baby-proof posting I think I will go before I lose all of this.

Have a great weekend!

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