The Crew

The Dark Side of The Crew

101 Fabulous Things

three years? no freakin' way
It's Been A While...Obviously!
amomsmusings receives a major revelation
after a long silence, amomsmusings speaks again
Roll, Tide, Roll!

"A wise woman--an admired mother and wife--when asked how, with her weak physical health and many demands upon her time, she managed to read so much, said, 'Besides my Bible, I always keep books going that are just for me--a stiff book, a moderately easy book, and a novel, and I always take up the one I feel fit for.'"
--Charlotte Mason Companion

The Spirit of the Disciplines
by Dallas Willard

Between Heaven & Hell
by Peter Kreeft

Sophie's World
by Jostein Gaarder


My Letter to the Big Cheese
12:03 a.m.

Hmmm. Why is it when J is away I end up not going to bed until very, very late? Sleep,time alone, sleep, time alone. I always choose time alone. I should choose sleep.

I wrote a couple of cryptic entries awhile back. I know that they didn't make sense to anyone other than me, so I am going to post the letter that I sent to the "Big Cheese" and the subsequent letters from him and others. I waited a few weeks before I finally sent this to him because I didn't want to end up sounding like a hysterical, bitter, and angry woman. (I wish I would have saved my first draft!) This should explain where I was coming from. It's rather long, so don't bother reading unless you think you might possibly care. The names have been changed to protect the idiots involved.

January 7, 2005

Dear Big Cheese,

I hope that your time away from the office during the holidays was enjoyable and that you had lots of memory-making time with your family. We had a wonderful time here at the amomsmusings house.

Although I know the decision to end the publication of the HH has already been made, I really feel I need the chance to share my heart with you where this ministry is concerned. I was never given a voice, never extended an invitation to share anything about the HH with those in charge of the decision-making process, and so I guess I�d like for someone in charge to know something about the spiritual aspect of this publication and not just the fiscal aspect.

First of all, one of the reasons Perry the Political Animal gave to J (I have never been spoken to) for the discontinuation of the HH was that it had �outlived its purpose.� I�m sorry, but I do not agree with that. Since its inception nearly 60 years ago (July 2005 would mark that anniversary) the HH has relentlessly pursued The Founder's vision of ministering to those who are bound both physically and spiritually. Right now the U.S. has more prisoners in its prisons than ever before. Populations in women�s prisons have doubled since 2000. There is a tremendous need to reach those who are imprisoned, and Jesus specifically instructs us to visit those who are in prison and to minister to �the least of these.� I think that it�s easy to overlook this segment of our society, and that�s why Jesus singled them out. They are out of sight for us and it is quite easy to put them out of our minds as well. How many of us actually go visit these men and women, or write to them, or even faithfully pray for them? These are they who most need to hear the Gospel and who most need the redeeming hope of Christ. The message of the HH continues to minister directly to those needs and I don�t see how it can honestly be said that it has outlived its purpose. During the past five years we have jumped from printing less than 3,000 copies per month to over 5,500 copies per month. Subscriptions have continued to climb each year and I receive an average of 30-40 letters per month. This is up from an average of 2-3 when I first became editor. I could understand shutting down something that is floundering, but when there is this kind of growth I don�t see how it can be looked on as past its time. I am curious to know what criteria the committee used to determine that the HH was not viable, and if that same criteria is being applied to all areas of ministry under their auspices.

Perry the Political Animal also told J that I should direct people to turn to Prison Fellowship. While this is all well and good, I don�t think that he realizes that most prisoners who are Christians already receive this publication. It is an excellent paper, the Cadillac of all prison publications. However, in the world of prison newsletters the HH has a niche of its own. It is one of the few prison publications that allow the prisoners a forum to share what God has done, is doing, or can do through them. I don�t think any of us can fully appreciate the unique hardships that prisoners face. Many of them that I correspond with are in 24-hour lockdown. They have little, if any, contact with others. The fellowship that we take for granted is something that they long for. I had a prisoner write a while back and elaborate on this point. (His article was in the October HH.) He stated that one of the ways it is possible to have fellowship in such dire circumstances is through publications like the HH. Through it you are able to be edified by what fellow Christians write and you are also given a chance to edify others. Many of these men and women are able to find God-given purpose in their lives as they write poetry, articles, stories, testimonies, etc� for God�s glory. It is one way that they can do ministry, and for some of them it is the only way.

Another aspect of this ministry that was overlooked is its value as a resource to those whose calling is prison ministry. Through the publishing of the HH we are able to supply them with a vital ministry tool. It is important for them to have material to give those inmates to whom they minister. I hear often from those on the field who are extremely thankful for the help this publication gives them. And those who are members of this organization are doubly grateful because our commitment to this publication says to them that their ministry is valued by their International Office.

I know that the HH is not a money-maker. It never was meant to be. Prisoners and those who work with them are our greatest supporters, but unfortunately inmates don�t have much of an income to give from. (It always humbles me when they send me stamps because they have nothing else of monetary value to offer.) I�m not sure, but I assume that cuts had to be made and it was decided that the HH was expendable. I just wish that those who made that decision would have given me the chance to share all that I know about the relevance of this ministry. I don�t know that it would have changed the outcome, but at least I would have felt that what I do and my perspective on it had some value. I don�t see how a true decision could be reached without all of the facts being presented and measured.

Big Cheese, I receive (a paltry sum) per month/issue for the HH, so money isn�t what this is all about for me. Rather than see it dumped entirely it could have gone to an every other month format or it could have been taken over by one of the IO departments; however I was told that the latter was suggested but that none of the departments were interested. I would at least like to have offered alternatives, but it seems that the elimination of this ministry was already a forgone conclusion so there was no need to bother conferring with me. I feel that $25,000 a year (and less if my salary is removed) is a relatively small sum to invest in a ministry where the spiritual returns are high. It�s a shame that we have decided that an area Christ deemed as critical has become a non-essential to us. It truly is more blessed to give than to receive, and what our organization gave the kingdom for many years in the form of the HH was a blessing to thousands.

One final thing; I�m sure it was apparent to you that the lack of interest and communication I received from anyone over me was quite frustrating. No one ever contacted me directly to let me know that ending the publication was being considered. Obviously no one ever approached me to find out what was actually being accomplished through this ministry. The only communication I ever received inadvertently came from The Sweetest Copy Editor Alive who let me know when I phoned her in August that Her Boss asked that I not send any issues in to them because the HH was under study. I tried to contact Her Boss with information about the HH but he never returned my call. As of yet I have not heard directly from anyone in an official capacity that the HH has been terminated.

Thank you for allowing me the liberty to speak freely and for listening to me. I know that the amount of correspondence you receive is huge, so I am grateful to you for giving me an audience.



Okay, so there it is. I'll post his response later, as well as Perry the Political Animal's attempt to cover his butt, as well as Randall the Secretary's syrupy sweet, patronizing one, as well as Perry the Political Animal's attempt to cover his butt while kissing mine. There is a whole lot of history here that I won't even attempt to go into, but you should get the picture through the letters and my (unbiased) commentary!

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