The Crew

The Dark Side of The Crew

101 Fabulous Things

three years? no freakin' way
It's Been A While...Obviously!
amomsmusings receives a major revelation
after a long silence, amomsmusings speaks again
Roll, Tide, Roll!

"A wise woman--an admired mother and wife--when asked how, with her weak physical health and many demands upon her time, she managed to read so much, said, 'Besides my Bible, I always keep books going that are just for me--a stiff book, a moderately easy book, and a novel, and I always take up the one I feel fit for.'"
--Charlotte Mason Companion

The Spirit of the Disciplines
by Dallas Willard

Between Heaven & Hell
by Peter Kreeft

Sophie's World
by Jostein Gaarder


The Crew
3:14 p.m.


J - My soulmate. Tall, dark, and handsome with a sarcastic wit that sometimes takes a wrong turn into corny. He's a good dad, a good husband, he's faithful and he loves me. What more could I ask for? How about seven kids!

Ev - Daughter #1 - My 17-year-old. She's a beautiful ballerina drama queen who can light up a room with her laughter and smile. In spite of her dance training, she still enjoys food and is my partner in crimes of gluttony. She recently shed her moody nature and is growing into her own woman. She is convinced that there is no one out there for her, but she is wrong.

Shau - Daughter #2 - My 16-year-old. She's a stylish, mysterious writer/html genius with a wicked sense of humor and virtually no defects. (That is what she�d tell you.) She also has great hair and a superb taste in music and literature. She was born an old soul and has common sense aplenty. Her quest in life is to live in Norway, marry a man with an accent, and write a novel of epic proportions.

Han - Daughter #3 - My 13-year-old. She�s tall and wispy with a cute new hairstyle that suits her move into young ladyhood. She�s a gentle spirit, a touchy-feely hugging sort, who has a great rapport with the elderly. She has a heart of gold and a sweet tooth. She could be very athletic, but she�s not into competition and would rather knit, embroider, or sew.

Moll � Daughter #4 � My 11-year-old. She�s a very athletic and competitive blue-eyed blonde cutie, who grew from being a short-tempered, tantrum throwing hellion into a patient, even-tempered sweetheart. She lives for soccer, which she is very good at. It�s also just recently been discovered that she has some major artistic talent in the area of portrait drawing. Her sisters tease her because she is skinny�as in string bean.

Sof � Daughter #5 � My 7-year-old. She is pretty and perky and wise beyond her years. She loves clothes and would wear makeup if it were an option. She is a ballerina, a flirt, and a great conversationalist. She�s also tenderhearted and is a great �big sister.�

Jes � Son #1 � My 4-year-old. He is shy, laid back, good-natured, handsome, expressive, double-dimpled, and very loving. He is also a super hero comedian, who enjoys showing off, protecting his sisters, and being the only man (outside of his dad and the cat) in a house full of women. He likes being read to and snuggled, and someday he plans on marrying either Princess Peach or Spider-Man�s Mary Jane.

Lil � Daughter #6 � My 12-month-old. She is a happy, happy baby. The only child I�ve ever had who was born with lots and lots of hair (and reddish hair at that), and only the second one to have blue eyes. She is adorable, content, and the apple of her family�s eye.

>Myself - Queen of the House - Soon to be 41-year-old. In spite of my multitude of children, I still maintain my movie star good looks and girlish figure. You can find out more about me on my profile.

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